SP05.19 : Van lấy mẫu vi sinh - SANITARY
Thông số chính:
Van lấy mẫu vi sinh - SANITARY - Aseptic Sampling valve
Tư vấn , Thiết kế , Chế tạo dây chuyền – Thiết bị công nghệ , Hệ thống pha trộn - định lượng được tổng hợp từ các thiết bị công nghệ Bơm - Van - Cảm biến , Thiết bị điều khiển Allen – Bradley (Mỹ) Hãng cung cấp :
Model :
The maximum sterilization temperature (seal material: EPDM) for dry steam (2-3bar) is 135°C -150°C, with a time limit of less than 20min. The steam must be dry, because the condensation water may damage the diaphragm. We suggest that you should replace the diaphragms after every 100 sampling operations or sterilization operations, or you can replace them according to your experience or working conditions. PW aseptic sampling valve have two configurations. PW-1 type is manually operated with fast-open structure. It consists of a valve body, a valve head, a handle, and a diaphragm. Rubber diaphragm is placed in the shaft core of the valve head, and used as a ductile valve core. The valve body and valve head are both replaceable. PW-2 type is manually or pneumatically operated with fast-open structure. It consists of a valve body, a valve head, an actuator, and a diaphragm. Rubber diaphragm is placed in the shaft of the valve head, and used as a ductile valve core. The majority of manual and pneumatic components are replaceable, and pneumatic valve can be equipped with a fast-open handle. Working Conditions Technical Data